Luisa Audrey / 0348741 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media (UI/UX)
Experiential Design
Task 1
Experience Design Project Proposal

  • UI (User Interface)
  • UX (User Experience)
  • XD (Experience Design): Can compile more than just product. Ex: ATM machine
  • BX (Brand Experience)
  • CX (Customer Experience)
  • IA (Information Architecture)
  • SD (Service Design)
  • PD (Product Design)
  • UR (User Research)
  • HCD (Human Centered Design)
  • VCD (Visual Communication Design)
  • IXD (Interaction Design)

Empathy Map:

An Empathy map is a tool used to articulate what we know about a particular type of user. It externalizes user knowledge in order to :

  1. create a shared understanding
  2. aid in decision making


For the first week, Sir Razif gave us an introduction to Unity and Vuforia. He also explained the thing that we are going to create in Experiential Design.

I was confused at first about what this module was about. However, after a few meetings, I just noticed that this project is about creating an app that involves interactivity and also AR feature.

Before we started with the proposal, sir Razif divided us into a group and he briefed us to make a user journey map. We could choose any place we want to use as an example, but we had to think of a solution to make the experience better for the user.

We chose to do Cinema and this is what we did:

Sir Razif taught us how to set up the unity and Vuforia for the upcoming activities. First, we had to create the box and made the animation. After that, we also need to export the image that we need to scan.

I was able to make 2 movements, bouncing and rotating. But to be able to create the mechanism where we can click on the buttons to change the movement, we had to make the setting in the layer.

In week 4, we continued our work and Sir Razif taught us how to export the file to our phone. Here is what it looks like:

After this, I proceed with the experiential proposal ideas. Here is my original idea:

Idea: PET SHOP (Paws & Claws)

  • Paws & Claws is a pet shop that sells dogs and cats
  • Every pet that is bought from Paws & Claws comes with a pendant on its neck and it can be scanned
  • Once the customer scans the pendant, the information of the pet will be listed (name, date of birth, breed, fur colors, characteristic, etc)
  • The condition of your pet will be updated automatically in your app. So if your pet is thirsty or hungry, the app will notify you
  • You can also check out the looks of the puppy and kitten if you want to cross-breed your pet with another breed (Only from the pets available in the Paws & Claws or from previous customers)
  • Paws & Claws also sells pet clothes and by scanning the pets pendant, you can see how your pet looks like wearing the clothes

However, sir Razif said cannot. He said that this is only like scanning QR and there is no AR experience.

After hearing that, I was worried because I couldn't find a new idea. But the next week, I manage to find 3 ideas that I could purpose to Sir Razif.

Idea 1: PET TOYS

  • The idea is to make toys for kids more interactive. We usually see pet toys where they have a set with food, drink, and a bed. We can scan our pets and we can in interact more on our phones.
  • The idea is similar to pet games like pou, and talking tom, where they can be thirsty, hungry, and sleepy. We can interact with them by tapping on the pet on our phone, and it will jump happily. If it's hungry, we should give the physical food toy so it can eat.


  • The idea is that you can play snake & ladder with multiple people. If you are using the usual board, you can’t really swarm the board because it's gonna be too crowded. So we can just scan a card that shows the snake & ladder map that we can bring anywhere easily and we can play with multiple people.
  • So when we scan the card, the snake & ladder map will appear and we can just play from our phone


  • The idea is to make the storybook more interesting. On some pages, we can see pop-up illustrations when we scan the book.
  • In 1 or 2 pages, we can also scan the surrounding the enter the realm of the story.

To my surprise, sir chose the last one because he said that it is the simplest to do and not too complicated. Since thats what he chose, I just went with it.

I tried to look for my 3D assets because I couldn't make it. I had no idea how to use any 3D tools, so I had to make it safe and download cute 3D assets.

I found these 3D assets from Unity and I think it looks super cute and very suitable for my storybook.

They already have the animation ready and also a few background assets. All I needed to do was make the storybook based on these characters.

This is what I want the front page to look like:

I also created a few onboardings after this front page. This is what the scanning and the AR look like:

This is my final presentation:


Sir Razif said that he didn't agree with me using the first idea because it just works the same way as scanning QR and there's nothing special about it. He said there should be an AR experience inside the app. 


To be honest, I was not looking forward to this module at all. This module was probably the least fun for me. That's what I thought at first. However, after I started thinking of the idea, I started to enjoy it. I was honestly really fond of the first pet idea and I was really disappointed when Sir Razif rejected that idea. I could've just changed the pet information into AR looking layout and I think sir would've agreed. But anyways, this storybook idea was not bad as well.

Since I learned how to make the user journey map, I learned how to make story telling experience better. I also decided to make the storybook for kids since the 3D assets look adorable and I just thought that it is easier to make kids storybook.


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